Tallis Training

FAQ on Tallis Expressions and Assertions


David Sutton (December 2002)

What if I just want a list of the available operators?

What is an expression?

What is an assertion?

What types of values may an expression evaluate to?

What forms may an expression take?

What is the value of an atom?

I want to put a text string into an expression. Should I enclose it in single quotes, double quotes, or no quotes at all?

What are the arguments of the result_of, result_set and netsupport operators?

What forms may an assertion take?

Is PROforma case sensitive?

Can I add my own operators?

What if I just want a list of the available operators?

This section contains short descriptions of PROforma built-in infix and prefix operators. Further information on these operators may be found in the PROforma language specification (see >The Syntax and Semantics of the PROforma Guideline Modelling Language on PubMed Central).

Infix Operators


Text concatenation operator.

If either operand of # evaluates to unknown then the resulting expression also evaluates to unknown .

Example: the expression “more ” # “beans” evaluates to the text string more beans.


Arithmetic operators on integers and reals.

When neither operand evaluates to unknown these operators have their standard meanings. If either of the operands of an arithmetic operator evaluates to unknown then the resulting expression also evaluates to unknown.

Example: if the data item mydata has not yet been assigned a value then the expression mydata + 2 evaluates to unknown.

>, <, <=, =>, >=, =>, =, !=

Comparison operators.

The arguments of these operators may be real numbers, integers, or text strings. A real number may be compared with an integer but a text string may only be compared with another text string.

The operators <= and >= are synonyms as are >= and <=.

When neither operand evaluates to unknown these operators have their standard meanings. If either of the operands of a comparison evaluates to unknown then the resulting expression evaluates to false.

Example: if the data item mydata has not yet been assigned a value then the expression mydata > 2 evaluates to false.

and, or, AND, OR.

Boolean operators.

AND & OR are synonyms respectively for and & or.

The operands should both be truth valued. When neither operand evaluates to unknown these operators have their standard meanings. If either operand of either of these operators evaluates to unknown then the resulting expression evaluates to false.

includes, include, oneof

Set membership operators.

include is a synonym for includes and Exp1 oneof Exp2 is equivalent to Exp2 includes Exp1.

The first operand of includes should be of type setof_integer, setof_real ,or setof_text and the second operand should respectively be of type integer, real ,or text.

An expression of the form Exp1 includes Exp2 evaluates to true if and only if Exp1 evaluates to a set that includes the value of Exp2, and Exp2 does not evaluate to unknown. If either Exp1 or Exp2 evaluates to unknown then Exp1 includes Exp2 evaluates to false.


[1,2,3] includes 1

“sugar” oneof [“sugar”, “spice”]

“tylex” oneof mysetof_drugs

Prefix Operators


Returns the absolute value of its argument, which must be an integer or real.

Example: abs(3.4 - 4.5) evaluates to 1.1

completed_time, discarded_time, in_progress_time

An expression of the form completed_time(Exp) is evaluated as follows:

  • If Exp evaluates to the name of a task then completed_time(Exp) evaluates to the “engine time” at which that task last entered the completed state or to unknown if the task has not entered that state at any point during the current enactment of the guideline.
  • If Exp does not evaluate to the name of a task then completed_time(Exp) evaluates to unknown.

By default the engine time is the same as the system time of the computer on which the PROforma engine is running.

discarded_time and in_progress_time are defined in an analogous manner except that they respectively return the engine time at which the task last entered the discarded or in_progress states.

Example: If a task T has a wait condition now – completed_time(“T2”) > 1000 it will not start until 1 second (i.e. 1000 milliseconds) after the task named T2 has completed.


If Exp evaluates to a set of integers, real numbers or text strings then count(Exp) evaluates to the number of members of that set.


count[] evaluates to 0.

count[“anno”,“domini”] evaluates to 2.


If Exp1 and Exp2 both evaluate to a set of integers, real numbers or text strings then diff(Exp1,Exp2) evaluates to the result of evaluating Exp1 and then removing any elements that are also found in the value of Exp2.

Example: diff([1,2+2,5,6],[5,2,1]) evaluates to [4,6].

Note: It is possible for Exp1 and/or Exp2 to evaluate to unknown or to a list containing unknown. The behaviour of the diff operator in such cases is described in the PROforma language specification(see The Syntax and Semantics of the PROforma Guideline Modelling Language on PubMed Central).


The expression forever() always evaluates to false. It is intended to be used as a cycle until condition for tasks that cycle forever.


An expression of the form if(Exp1, Exp2, Exp3) evaluates to:

  • the result of evaluating Exp2 if Exp1 evaluates to true, or
  • the result of evaluating Exp3 if Exp1 evaluates to false, or
  • unknown if Exp1 evaluates to unknown.


If Exp1 and Exp2 both evaluate to a set of integers, real numbers or text strings then intersect(Exp1,Exp2) evaluates to the result of evaluating Exp1 and then removing any elements that also appear in the value of Exp2.

Example: intersect([1,2+2,5],[5,2,1]) evaluates to [1,5].

Note: It is possible for Exp1 and/or Exp2 to evaluate to unknown or to a list containing unknown. The behaviour of the intersect operator in such cases is described in the PROforma language specification (see The Syntax and Semantics of the PROforma Guideline Modelling Language on PubMed Central).


An expression of the form is_completed(Exp) evaluates to:

  • true if Exp evaluates to the name of a task and that task is currently in the completed state.
  • false if Exp evaluates to the name of a task that is not in the completed state.
  • unknown otherwise.


An expression of the form is_discarded(Exp) evaluates to:

  • true if Exp evaluates to the name of a task and that task is currently in the discarded state.
  • false if Exp evaluates to the name of a task that is not in the discarded state.
  • unknown otherwise.


An expression of the form is_dormant(Exp) evaluates to:

  • true if Exp evaluates to the name of a task and that task is currently in the dormant state.
  • false if Exp evaluates to the name of a task that is not in the dormant state.
  • unknown otherwise.


An expression of the form is_in_progress(Exp) evaluates to:

  • true if Exp evaluates to the name of a task and that task is currently in the in progress state.
  • false if Exp evaluates to the name of a task that is not in the in progress state.
  • unknown otherwise.


An expression of the form isknown(Exp) evaluates to true if Exp evaluates to unknown and to false otherwise.

The isknown operator may be applied to operands of any type.

ln, exp

Natural logarithm and exponent. Arguments must be integers or real numbers.

Example: ln(exp(1)) evaluates to 1.0.

max, min

If Exp evaluates to a set of integers, real numbers or text strings then max(Exp) evaluates to the maximum element in the set and min(Exp) evaluates to the minimum element in the set.

When computing a maximum or minimum, numbers are compared in the usual way. Text strings are compared lexicographically ignoring case.


max([1,3,2]) evaluates to 3.

max(["bb","bbb","AAA"]) evaluates to "bbb".

Netsupport, netsupport

Netsupport is a synonym for netsupport. These operators are explained in What are the arguments of the result_of result_set and netsupport operators?


An expression of the form not(Exp) evaluates to true if and only if Exp evaluates to false.  It evaluates to false if Exp evaluates to true or to unknown.

Note: the argument must be enclosed in parentheses, e.g., not (drug = tylex) is syntactically correct but not drug = tylex is incorrect.


The expression now() evaluates to the current engine time. By default the engine time is the same as the system time of the computer on which the PROforma engine is running.


If Exp evaluates to a set of integers, real numbers or text strings then nth(n,Exp) evaluates to the nth element in the set, or to unknown if the set does not have an nth element.


nth(2,["fee","fi","fo","fum"]) evaluates to "fi".

nth(4,[2,3,5]) evaluates to unknown.


The expression random() evaluates to a pseudo-random number that changes every time the state of the engine changes.

Note: Two occurrences of random() that are evaluated without an intervening change in engine state will return the same value. For instance, if a task has the precondition random() = random() then this precondition will always evaluate to true. The reason for this behaviour is that it ensures that the value of any PROforma expression is functionally dependent on the state of the engine at the time at which it is evaluated.

result_of, result_set

These operators are explained in What are the arguments of the result_of result_set and netsupport operators?

sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan.

Standard trigonometric operators. Angles are assumed to be defined in radians.


If Exp evaluates to a set of integers or real numbers or text strings then sum(Exp) evaluates to the sum of the members of that set.


sum[] evaluates to 0.

sum([1,1,2,3,5]) evaluates to 12.


If Exp1 and Exp2 both evaluate to a set of integers, real numbers or text strings then union(Exp1,Exp2) evaluates to the result of concatenating the values Exp1 and Exp2.

Unlike a set theoretic union the PROforma union operator does not eliminate duplicates.


union([1,2+2,5],[5,2,1]) evaluates to [1,4,5,5,2,1].

Note: It is possible for Exp1 and/or Exp2 to evaluate to unknown or to a list containing unknown. The behaviour of the union operator in such cases is described in the PROforma language specification (see The Syntax and Semantics of the PROforma Guideline Modelling Language on PubMed Central).

What is an expression?

Expressions are text strings that may be evaluated in order to obtain information about the current state of a PROforma guideline during its enactment. Expressions occur in the definitions of tasks, in particular as preconditions and wait conditions. PROforma applications may also use expressions to query the current state of a guideline.

An expression has a value that is dependent on the state of the guideline. However evaluating an expression (i.e. calculating its value) never changes the state of a guideline.

What is an assertion?

An assertion is a text string describing value(s) to be assigned to data item(s) in a guideline. Assertions occur in the definitions of tasks, in particular as postconditions.

What types of values may an expression evaluate to?

An expression may be truth valued (in which case it may be referred to as a condition) or it may evaluate to an integer, a real number, a text string, a set of integers, a set of real numbers, or a set of text strings. An expression may also evaluate to the special value unknown.

What forms may an expression take?

An expression may be either:

An integer

Example: 12345.

A real number

A real number must contain the decimal point and may contain an exponent, preceded by one of the letters e, E, d or D.









Note: If N and M are numbers then N e M means N times 10 to the power of M. The letters E, D, d are all synonyms for e.

A quoted text string

That is to say a string of characters enclosed in double quotes.

Example: “this is a quoted string”

Double quotes may appear in quoted text strings so long as they are escaped with a backslash, e.g “call me \”Ishmael\” ”.

An atom

Any sequence of characters enclosed in single quotes or any sequence beginning with an alphabetic character and containing only alphanumeric characters and underscores.




‘and this is an atom too’

Atoms are generally used to refer to data items and tasks by name.

If you want a single quote to appear inside an atom you need to escape it with a backslash e.g. ‘this atom\’s got one’.

An infix operator applied to two arguments

An infix operator is one that comes in between its arguments. The general form of expressions of this kind is: Exp1 InfixOp Exp2 where Exp1 and Exp2 are expressions and InfixOp is one of PROforma’s built-in infix operators.




2+’my data item’

A prefix operator applied to the correct number of arguments

A prefix operator is one that precedes its arguments. The general form for expressions of this kind is: PrefixOp(Arg1, … , ArgN) where Arg1, … , ArgN  are expressions.


not(age = 3)


netsupport(‘my decision’, mycandidate)

A set expression

An expression of the form: [Exp1, … ,ExpN]. The value of this expression is the set containing the values of the expressions Exp1, … , ExpN.

Note: The set expression [] denotes the empty set.


[“It”, “is”, “a”, “truth”]

[1, 2+3, 4-5, 6]



What is the value of an atom?

When an atom occurs as an argument to the netsupport or result_of operators it is interpreted as naming a decision or candidate. See What are the arguments of the result_of, result_set and netsupport operators? for more details.

Otherwise an atom has a value that is calculated as follows:

  • If the atom is the name of a data item then its value is the current value of that data item.
  • Otherwise the value of an atom A is simply the string A with any enclosing quotes removed.

Example: If a guideline contains an integer data item mydata whose current value is 2 then the expression mydata evaluates to the integer 2, whereas the expression ‘this is not the name of a data item’ evaluates to the string this is not the name of a data item.

Note: We advise you not to use atoms to represent text strings in the manner illustrated by the second example above. In such cases it is preferable to use a double quoted text string.

I want to put a text string into an expression. Should I enclose it in single quotes, double quotes, or no quotes at all?

Suppose that you wish to construct an expression that tests whether the value of a data item drug is equal to the text string tylex. There are three different expressions which might fit the bill:

drug = tylex

drug = ‘tylex’

drug = “tylex”

However these three expressions are equivalent only if there is no data item called tylex. If there were such a data item then the first two expressions would compare the value of the data item drug with the value of the data item tylex, which is not what is intended in this case.

Since it is difficult to remember the names of all the data items in a guideline and impossible to predict the names of data items that might be subsequently added to that guideline, a text string should always be enclosed in double quotes. In other words the preferred way of expressing the above condition would be drug = “tylex”.

What are the arguments of the result_of, result_set and netsupport operators?

The result_of operator returns a string and takes one argument, which must be an atom and must be the name of a decision. If a single candidate has been committed for the decision then result_of returns the name of that decision as a string. Otherwise it returns unknown.

Example: The value of the expression result_of(‘prescribing decision’) would depend on whether or not a single candidate of the decision prescribing decision had been committed to. If it this were the case then the expression would evaluate to the name of that candidate, otherwise it would evaluate to unknown.

The result_set operator is similar to result_of except that it returns a set of strings, these being the names of the candidates that have been committed to.

In general you should use result_of to test the result of a decision only if that decision’s choice mode is single-selection. Otherwise you should use result_set.

Example: if prescribing_dec has a choice mode of multiple selection and allergy_dec has a choice mode of single selection and you wished a particular task to become active if the result of prescribing_dec includes “penicillin” and the result of allergy_dec is equal to yes, then that task might have the precondition: (result_set(prescribing_dec) includes “penicillin”) and (result_of(allergy_dec) = “yes”).

Note: The includes operator is used to test the result of the first decision and the = operator for the second.

The netsupport operator takes two arguments, both of which must be atoms. The first argument is the name of a decision, the second is the name of a candidate of that decision.

Example: The value of the above expression netsupport(‘prescribing decision’, paracetamol) is determined by evaluating the netsupport function of the paracetamol candidate as set out in the definition of the ‘prescribing decision’ task.

What forms may an assertion take?

An assertion that a data item should have a particular value takes the form DataItemName = Expression, where DataItemName is an atom which names a data item and Expression is an expression whose value will be assigned to the data item. Note that the = operator appearing in the above assertion assigns a value to a data item whereas an = operator in an expression tests for equality between its right and left hand sides.

Assertions may be combined together using the infix operator and.


bmi = weight/(height*height)

age = 10 and sex = “male” and name = “Arthur”

name = ‘first name’ # “ ” # ‘family name’

Is PROforma case sensitive?

For the most part no, however there are some exceptions. More specifically:

  • Comparisons between text strings are not case sensitive. For instance, the expression “thisstring” = “ThisString” evaluates to true.
  • Names of data items, tasks, and candidates are not case sensitive. For instance the expressions >netsupport(mydecision, mycandidate) and netsupport(MyDecision, MyCandidate) are treated as identical.
  • Names of all prefix operators, apart from netsupport and result_of are not case sensitive. For instance abs(2-3) and AbS(2-3) are treated as identical.
  • The Exceptions are:
    • PROforma’s infix operators are case sensitive.  For instance item1 InCludes item2 would be rejected as syntactically incorrect.
    • The prefix operators netsupport and result_of are also case sensitive (although we do allow Netsupport as a synonym for netsupport). So for instance RESULT_OF(mydecision) is syntactically incorrect.

The reason why some operators are case sensitive and others are not is related to the way PROforma’s syntax is defined - the case sensitive operators are case sensitive because they are defined as reserved words in PROforma’s lexical grammar.

Can I add my own operators?

Not yet. However we intend in future versions that PROforma’s set of built-in operators will be extensible by users.


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