Tallis Training

See Also

PROforma Expressions: PROforma Functions

Reference document of the functions that can be used in PROforma expressions.

Table of Contents

Function usage

Functions can be used in any expression in tallis. For example, preconditions, postconditions, arugment conditions etc. In addition thy can be used in embedded expressions and in expression tags (e.g. from web enactment)

A not well documented part of tallis, is that it supports two different types of expressions:


Conditions are expressions that evaluate either true or false. They cannot be used to assign any value to anything. All the expressions in tallis proforma are of this form, except the postconditions.


An assignment (not very successfully called assertion in tallis terminology) can only be found in the postcondition. The postcondition is a set of binary assignments using the equals operator ("=") that in this case it means "assign". The assignemnts are separated by the keyword "AND" that in this context is just a separator.

Embedded expressions

Most of the textual attributes of proforma components (e.g. caption or description, context etc) can embed expressions that are calculated during runtime and replaced with their value.

The embedded expression syntax is ${expression}

For example, consider the following task argument description:

Administer diouretic because the patients blood pressure is ${bloodPressure}mmHg

The ${} syntax causes everything inside the curly brackets to be calculated as an expression

Expression JSP tag

The expression JSP tag can be used to assign any value returned by a proforma function to a JSP bean. This is not restricted only into primitive values, but also to the new object type of values that are going to be present in 1.7

Logical Functions

AND Expression AND Expression Returns TRUE if all its arguments are TRUE, returns FALSE if any argument is FALSE. If either operand evaluates to UNKNOWN then the resulting expression evaluates to FALSE.
OR Expression OR Expression Returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE, returns FALSE if all arguments are FALSE. If either operand evaluates to UNKNOWN then the resulting expression evaluates to FALSE.
NOT not(Expression) Returns TRUE for a FALSE argument and FASLE for a TRUE or UNKNOWN argument.
IF if(Expression, value_if_true, value_if_false) Returns one value if the specified Expression evaluates to TRUE and another value if it evaluates to FALSE.
isknown isknown(Expression) Returns FALSE if Expression is UNKNOWN, returns TRUE otherwise.

Decision Result Functions

result_of result_of(Decision: Single candidate selection) Returns the decision’s committed candidate if a single candidate was committed; returns UNKNOWN otherwise.
result_set result_set(Decision: Multi candidate selection) Returns the decision’s set of committed candidates; returns UNKNOWN if no candidate were committed.

Task State Functions

is_completed is_completed(Task) Returns TRUE if a Task is in the State, returns FALSE if a Task is not in the State.
is_discarded is_discarded(Task)
is_dormant is_dormant(Task)
is_in_progress is_in_progress(Task)

Candidate Support Functions

netsupport netsupport(Decision, Candidate) Returns Net Support value for Candidate of Decision.
candsupport_count_for candsupport_count_for(Decision, Candidate) Returns the count of the supporting arguments whose condition evaluates to true for Candidate of Decision.
candsupport_count_against candsupport_count_against(Decision, Candidate) Returns the count of the opposing arguments whose condition evaluates to true for Candidate of Decision.
candsupport_count_summary candsupport_count_summary(Decision, Candidate) Returns the algebaic summary of the count of the supporting and opposing arguments whose condition evaluates to true for Candidate of Decision. A positive argument counts as +1 and an opposing as -1

Comparison Operators

> Number/TextString  >  Number/TextString A real number may be compared with an integer but a text string may only be compared with another text string. If either of the operands of a comparison evaluates to UNKNOWN then the resulting expression evaluates to FALSE.
< Number/TextString  <  Number/TextString
>= Number/TextString >= Number/TextString
=< Number/TextString =< Number/TextString
= Number/TextString  Number/TextString
!= Number/TextString != Number/TextString

Math & Trig Functions

+ Number + Number If either of the operands of an arithmetic operator evaluates to UNKNOWN then the resulting expression also evaluates to UNKNOWN.
- Number - Number
* Number * Number
/ Number / Number
ln ln(Number) Returns the natural logarithm of a number
exp exp(Number) Returns e raised to the power of a given number
power_of power_of(Number: base, Number: exponent) Returns base raised to the power of exponent
  • real x real -> real
  • int x int -> int
  • int x real -> real
  • real x int -> real
Since 1.7
sin sin(angle: radians) Returns the sine of an angle.
cos cos(angle: radians) Returns the cosine of an angle.
tan tan(angle: radians) Returns the tangent of an angle.
asin asin(number) Returns the arcsine of a number in radians.
acos acos(number) Returns the arccosine of a number in radians.
atan atan(number) Returns the arctangent of a number in radians.
abs abs(Number) Returns the absolute value of a number.
random random() Returns a random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1.

Note: two occurrences of random() that are evaluated without an intervening change in engine state will return the same value. For instance, if a task has the precondition random() = random() then this precondition will always evaluate to true.

Set Functions

include(s) Set includes Member Returns TRUE if Set includes Member, returns FALSE if Set does not include Member. If either operand evaluates to UNKNOWN then the resulting expression evaluates to FALSE.

Note: Exp1 oneof Exp2 is equivalent to Exp2 includes Exp1
oneof Member oneof Set
nth nth(n, Set) Returns the nth Member in a Set, returns UNKNOWN if the Set does not have an nth Member. The function is 1 based, first element is nth(1, set)


nth(2,["fee","fi","fo","fum"]) evaluates to "fi"

nth(4,[2,3,5]) evaluates to unknown.
count count(Set) Returns the number of Members in a Set.
max max(Set) Returns the largest value in a set of values.

Note: Text strings are compared lexicographically ignoring case, e.g., max(["bb","bbb","AAA"]) evaluates to "bbb".
min min(Set) Returns the smallest value in a set of values.
sum sum(Set) Returns the sum of members of a Set.


sum[] evaluates to 0.

sum([1,1,2,3,5]) evaluates to 12.
union union(Set1,Set2) Returns all Members of both Sets.

Note: Unlike a set theoretic union the PROforma union operator does not eliminate duplicates.


union([1,2+2,5],[5,2,1]) evaluates to [1,4,5,5,2,1].
diff diff(Set1, Set2) Returns Members of Set1 that are not Members of Set2.


diff([1,2+2,5,6],[5,2,1]) evaluates to [4,6].
intersect intersect(Set1, Set2) Returns Members of Set1 that are also Members of Set2.


intersect([1,2+2,5],[5,2,1]) evaluates to [1,5].

Task time Functions

now now() Returns the current engine time.
startup_time startup_time() Returns the time the process description started. Basically this is the in_progress_time of the root plan.
completed_time completed_time(Task) Returns the “engine time” at which a Task last entered a State (or UNKNOWN if the Task has not entered the State).


If Task1 has a state trigger Now() – completed_time(Task2) > 1000 it wouldn’t start until 1 second (i.e. 1000 milliseconds) after Task2 has completed.
discarded_time discarded_time(Task)
in_progress_time in_progress_time(Task)

Datetime manipulation Functions



date_diff_QUANTITY(datetime:from, datetime:to) Returns the difference between the "from" datetime and the "to" datetime in QUANTITY units, e.g. date_diff_years


DATE_PART_FUNCTION(datetime) Returns the requested part of the datetime, e.g. the year part, or the month part, etc
date_parse date_parse(text) Parses a datetime string to a date. Acceptable formats are:



Date & Time:
any_date_form any_time_form

1998-10-23 14:20:30

Formatting and information access Functions

These functions are generally used to format values (e.g. decimal numbers) or accesss information regarding the engine (e.g. get component attributes). The distinctive difference from the rest of the functions is that on error they return an error string rather than crashing or thowing an exception. The reason for this choice is that these functions are mostly meant for presentation layer where they will be used inside embedded expressions and at this context a hard error that terminates the engine because of a type is not desireable.

format_num(numtoformat:real, numofdigits:integer) Returns a string with the supplied number formated to the specified number of digits
On error it returns an informative string
Since 1.7
sprintf sprintf(text:format_str, any_type:arg)
sprintf(text:format_str, any_type:arg1, any_type:arg2)
sprintf(text:format_str, any_type:arg1, any_type:arg2, any_type:arg3)
Uses a printf style formating string to format the argumnets. Please look at Java Formatter syntax for details
On error it returns an informative string
Since 1.7
Known issues: Incomplete implementation
attr Usage: attr(componentName, text:attrname) Reflection function that return an attribute (e.g. caption) of a component (e.g. task, data item). For example:
attr(systolicBP, 'caption') -> "Systolic blood pressure"
attr(systolicBP, 'units') = "mmHg"
On error it returns an informative string
Since 1.7
get_caption Usage: get_caption(dataitem) Reflection function that returns the caption of a range value. Since 1.7, ranges can have spearate value from caption. This function returns the caption instead of the value. For example, if we have a data item tumourStage that has a value of "t3" and a caption of "T3 (10mm to 20mm)", then:
get_caption(tumourStage) -> "T3 (10mm to 20mm)"
On error it returns an informative string
Since 1.7
Known issues: It only works well with text data items

Miscellaneous Functions

:= (assign) DataItem := value Assigns a the right hand side value to the left hand side data item. Returns:
true: When the value on the right side is known (not null)
false: When the value on the right side unknown (null)
Throws an engine exception if something goes wrong, eg. type incompatibility
age := 20
dob := date_diff_years(dob, now() Important: The expression on the right hand side is firstly evaluated and then assigned to the data item. This has two implications. (1) if the same data item is used somewhere in the right hand side, it will have the previous value. (2) You should never assign a value twice in the same expression
Since 1.7
# (concatenate) TextString # TextString Joins several text strings into one text string.

Example: the expression "more " # "beans" evaluates to the text string more beans.
forever forever() Always evaluates to FALSE. Alias to false() that is intended to be used as a cycle until condition for tasks that cycle forever.
true true() Always evaluates to TRUE.
Since 1.7
false false() Always evaluates to FALSE.
Since 1.7
unknown unknown() Always evaluates to unknown (null). Usefult for reseting values to unknown.
Checking any value againsta unknown() or null() will return false. Two unknowns are not considered equal!
Works: bloodPressure := unknown()
Always false: bloodPressure = unknown()
Use isknown() to test
Since 1.7
null null() (Alias for unknown)Always evaluates to unknown (null). Usefult for reseting values to unknown.
Since 1.7
activate_trigger Usage: activate_trigger(triggername) This function activates an event trigger. It does not return any result. It should only be used in the context of a postcondition (to send a trigger activation). As of the time of writing this documentation, a limitation in tallis postcondition requires to use a trick to activate the function like: dummyDataItem = activate_trigger(triggername)
Since 1.7
Known issues: This is considered a hack at this point and will probably change in future versions
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