Tallis Training

PROforma Samples

One way to learn to create process-descriptions is to look at existing sample files and see how they were created. Some of the process-descriptions listed below demonstrate what can be achieved by using the Tallis tools; some demonstrate high level modelling of processes using PROforma; and some demonstrate the use of different task attributes.

Cold And Flu Guide
A simulation of a highly simplified medical guide, this sample is a straightforward linear process demonstrating basic PROforma features.

Management of weight loss
A linear process simulating a simplified medical guide and demonstrating PROforma features.

The BMI calculator demonstrates input and output techniques in PROforma.

Chronic Cough
This sample models simplified segments of the Chronic Cough management guideline. It provides an illustration of the shift from a written guideline to a PROforma process.

This sample models simplified segments of the Hypertension guideline. It provides an illustration of the shift from a written guideline to a PROforma process.

The Early Referrals Application supports identification of patients with suspected cancer that should be referred under the 2-week standard. This sample demonstrates the use of event triggers as hyperlinks.

Triple Assessment
Triple Assessment supports the management of new patients in a triple assessment clinic. This sample illustrates how high-level medical processes can be captured using PROforma, as well as complex decision-making and customisation of the application user interface.


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