Tallis Training

Web enactment: Hands-On Tutorial

The Cold And Flu Guide

The link below will run the Cold And Flu Guide in a new browser window.

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This is a straightforward and mostly linear process, with a standard user interface.

If you enter a patient’s age over 65, the Recommend Vaccine action will be activated. When several tasks are activated in parallel, you can switch between them by selecting the requested task in the Active Tasks panel on the top-left corner of the screen.

For details about this process-description see Samples > Cold And Flu Guide.

Triple Assessment

The link below will run the Triple Assessment process in a new browser window.

Run this sample file

This process-description contains customised web pages:

  • Patient history enquiry: questions are enabled and disabled according to data collected
  • Get patient details enquiry: this task invokes an application for genetic risk assessment (RAGs), which provides a user-friendly interface for entering family history data.
  • Patient examination enquiry: questions are enabled and disabled according to data collected

For details about this process-description see Samples > Triple Assessment.


The link below will run the ERA process in a new browser window.

Run this sample file

This process offers the end-user a choice between tasks: several tasks in the process have event triggers, and so the end-user can determine which one to invoke. To select one of these tasks, click on one of the hyperlinks displayed in the Introduction action. Alternatively, you can select these tasks from the Triggerable Tasks panel on the left.

For details about this process-description see Samples > ERA.

See Also

  • Running a process-description in a web browser
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